(BL NEWS) Dangerous Boys . วัยเป้งง นักเลงขาสั้น Thai Movie

i just need to get it out my head or i’ll go crazy

anyone have seen the yaoi teaser for Dangerous Boys upcoming Thailand Movie, OMG i freaked out when i see it it was sooo hooot ,

check it out

Now i’m just soo eager to see this movie just for the BL part, and the cast for BL Pairing is hooot very good looking & manly

10617055_311416265694753_2025012139_n 1499566_526513050814405_626667904739643111_n  10597260_280797535439731_1637823170_n10611221_505180349617712_816625382_n

i even follow their instagram ❤

http://instagram.com/oatpasakorn & http://instagram.com/tonigi

Update 10142014
mooore pictures

47 thoughts on “(BL NEWS) Dangerous Boys . วัยเป้งง นักเลงขาสั้น Thai Movie”

  1. Hello. Really love your blog, i have it bookmarked, though i don’t need to ’cause i memorized it (///▽///) . I’m exited for the movie, hoping that at least none of these two precious guys die.

  2. OH MY EYES AND MY FEEL!! *screaming

    We have same reaction when seeing that trailer for bl part lol hahah
    hmm i cant control my fujoshi side ugh sorry 😛 hopefully its not sad ending for those two u.u
    btw is their two comes from different gank?

      1. orang indo juga? hahah kirain malay atau filipina gitu hehe
        aku kepo banget soal ini pairing sedangkan di yutub cuma secuil videonya u.u bukan main storynya BL juga kan T.T itu namanya siapa sih berdua? I fuckin curious 😀 aku lagi nggak bisa buka IG >\<

  3. AI-CHAAAAANNN!!!! asfcbugcbjhff WTF! i have done watch it. someone uploading it at youtube but its kind of fancam. Dan tau nggak endingnya kaya apa? AKU CENGO SECENGO CENGONYA! WTH with that ending scene? The leader of each gank,its Peng and the other one aku nggak tau namanya,THEY’RE JUST KISSING!! aaaaaaa~ *fainted*

    1. Aku dah ketemu waaaah so excited (o^^o)♪aku seneng kalo happy end

      ternyata eh ternyata couple itu emang dah pacaran ya jadi ngga ada angst dan drama sebelum jadian, hmm.. ada adegan yg ga masuk theater masih pengen director cutnya

      makasih infonya ya

      1. iyaaaa,Ai-chan 😀 aish aku masih out of mind soal endingnya!!! >\< no way! itu ending terABSURD!
        Sempet dag dug dug pas si Tong mesti berantem sama cowoknya u.u tapi akhirnya gandengan terus pas masuk mobil polisi hihi

  4. can i ask you something? do you know when is the movie will be released? thankyou! 🙂 by the way, i like your blog!! i have a same otp as you! 😀 hahhaha

      1. oh God that’s what i guess! do you have any link? you had watched it, right?

        you’re welcome! you’re header is soooooooo nice!!! hahaha
        yeah! yunjae is real lol

      1. really?OwO ah i thought they have a bed scene hahaha

        whoa but i still want to watch it kkk xD thankyou for your information! you’re helping me so much! :DD

  5. I am so bookmarking your page! I’m from Indonesia too anyway. I did saw the official trailer but I don’t see any BL activities going on, so the BL scenes from above pictures are in the movie too?

    1. Yes al included but one scene where they were topless
      It was not in the movie 😦 hope to see it on dvd

      Salam kenal fellow indonesian, dateng dooong ke nobar lovesick indonesia nanti kenalan sama thai movie lover yg lain ♥ ya ya yaaa ?

      1. Then I guess I’ll have to watch the topless one from youtube 😀

        Engga janji sih buat nobarnya, tapi nanti diusahain. Barusan check isi webnya, and I found out you like Yuu Watase and I love all her works! (out of topic). Tapi benaran engga sabar bisa nonton filmnya, semoga sudah bisa didownload atau paling engga DVDnya keluar duluan. Karena terakhir aku cari-cari The Swimmer buat di download belum ada, tapi DVDnya sudah dijual dipasaran :p

  6. WAWAAAAA ////after reading the comment section i decided to use bahasa so/////
    SENAAANG HAHAAH selama liburan ini aku malah nonton yaoi mulu hahaha; A ; abis lucuuu huhuhu.
    ini btw udah ada gak ya kira2 kalo di youtube full movie plus eng subnya?; A ; pengen liaat
    eh iya sekalian aku mau rekomen love’s coming! kalo udah nonton ya baguuus, kalo belum ya monggo di nonton!:D ada di youtube kok full movie dan subtitlenya:3 yg jadi nai dan zee ganteng sumpaah aaah >///<

    1. Love’s Coming juga dah nonton (^ ^)
      Gossipnya mau ada lanjutannya loh itu

      Dangerous Love belum ada video HQ ataupun subnya
      Pasti suka love sick the series juga dong yaa?♥
      Sama ini jg lagi nonton BL trus kumat abis demam LS

  7. btw ini dvdRipnya udah ada d doramax lho sekitar 400mb. sayngnya raw 😦
    oh ya, buat yg nyari adegan BLnya semuanya udah ada d trailer yang ada d youtube. Ya cuma itu sih. rada kecewa juga. jadi silakan pilih download ato liat aja trailer d youtube ^^

  8. Just watching..ohhh, I am freak with the ending..But I think it is better than sad ending..Those BL couple not main character right? Eventhought they just take small part in the movie but it is very amazing..I like part when Oat asked Siri “between your friend and me, whom you chose…” Hyaaahahaha…Kena lho Siri..Maybe it is just my opinion,I think their friend did’t mind it eventhought they are dating, can be seen in the last part.

  9. guys…. boleh tau ga gmn bs dapet or download pilem love love you? eng sub juga boleh… pliiis. thank u yah.
    btw, aq jg suka blog ini.. heheee
    bl are so cute 😁

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